Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Love gives us Joy

Nothing gives us more joy than love. It gives us intoxicating happiness and the feeling of joy. Love exists between man and wife, the parent and the children, a friend and a friend, brothers and sisters, a teacher and his student and the like. Love also exists between animals, the male and the female, the mother and the offspring. This love in animals is born out of instinct. In human beings it arouses in the brain and manifested in the heart. It is the greatest expression of human relationship. Sometimes, of course, it may be tainted if arising out of sexual or physical attractions. But the love that binds two friends together without any selfish reasons is supreme form of such love and it gives immense joy. This is the love one should try to manifest for all the brethrens and sisters as we all are the children of the same cosmic father.

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