Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Learn to thank for Everything

Remember the prayer, the children pray daily, in some schools:

Thank you God for the world so sweet!
Thank you God for food we eat!
Thank you God for birds that sing!
Thank you God for everything!

The prayer has tremendous potentiality of keeping anybody joyful at any time. You may try it. Say, you are depressed. Just look around. Watch the people, the trees, the flowers, the vehicles, the breeze, the sky and the like. Think of what you have had on the day- the tea, the breakfast, the newspaper, the children, the family members and all that. These are all daily little routines. Just start looking at it differently! Just see how beautiful it is to born human and have all beautiful things in life around. Thank God for everything. Thank for the good things you had. Thank more for what you think was not good. Without the latter, the former have no meaning. For everything, small or big, life has given you, be grateful to the almighty through who you get it. Just the same way, for anything you get from others, thank them. It makes others joyful and that joy comes back to you! Even, go further and thank God in advance. Early morning, just as you wake up, thank God for the ensuing day. This will act as a positive affirmation and align your inner configuration that will keep you happy the whole day. Cheers!

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