Tuesday, December 25, 2007

From Boredom to Wisdom

The boring situations: - You may be residing in a remote village or the most advanced city. But, at times, you have to, for one thing or the other, stand in a queue to have something done. You may be doing so to collect your ration, railway ticket, a boarding pass or at the passport office. Or, maybe, the train or the flight is delayed and you are waiting for the next announcement. You become bored. You do not know when your turn will come or when will the expected announcement made or the job done. Similar boredom strikes when you are on a long journey by the train or bus or even by the plane. Your mind is in a state of what is called boredom. It is a mental state or a reactive emotion when you feel dissatisfied with your environment and also when the time is seemingly standing still or moving slowly. There are other situations also when you get bored. Such as, you are in a class and the subject taught is so simple or commonplace or already taught or on the other hand, it is complicated and uninteresting that causes failure of your attention. Or you are made to go to the same restaurant and eat same food again and got bored. Boredom may also affect other areas of a person’s life and could be clinical symptom at times.

2. Boredom while waiting: - In the present article, I am dealing with the situation where you are in a queue or on a long journey. The basic purpose is how to be happy and joyful in such situations. In these situations of boredom, your mind gets vacant as the outside environment fails to keep you fully occupied or aroused. You are in a situation when, it seems, you are forced to engage in some unwanted activity or activity not worthy of your engagement and that the time seems to move slowly. You feel injustice is being done to you by making you to do something and may be that too for a period more than it deserves.

3. Managing boredom: - When you are bored, you are not your natural personality. You may behave differently, may look unhappy or gloomy. Some of the people around may be in the similar state of mind. Somebody may be blaming the people seemingly responsible for the cause of boredom. Sometimes, the whole environment may be restless or a near miserable condition with negative or discomforting vibrations. The question is how to escape boredom in the above situations. As you see, you were pushed unto the grip of boredom as the external conditions fail to fully engage your attention. Your mind falls into a passive and negative state. Thus, it is a question of managing your attention. The best antidote is to engage your mind in some creative thinking. If you observe the other people around, you will find some of them happy or busy without any boredom. Nevertheless, if you are likely to face such situations of boredom, why not plan and do some of the following things to keep yourself happy and joyful.

(a) Think and Plan ahead: - If you know, you may have to face such situations such as undertaking a long journey or waiting at the doctor’s or at the railway station or the airport, think about it in advance, plan and reorganize your schedule so as to make things mentally acceptable, relaxing and joyful.

(b) Accept the situations as normal: - The world is not your module. It would not dance to your tunes. You may face situations thinkable or unthinkable, some you may think right and others wrong. You cannot change it. Things will go on, may be as it is. But you have to look after your own self. Thus in situations that bore you, it is best to accept it as a part of life. Resistance to such situations, blaming it on others makes things only worse. Observe it as a part of the varied drama of life. Enjoy it. Just realize that you are also a part of this varied drama of life. You have a role, which you have to play, and take you through the processes of life along with the bigger roles, which you think, you should play elsewhere.

© Learn to carry a book: - Book is one of the best friends of man. Always have a set of good books of your interest and, without forgetting, carry one with you. When you find yourself waiting and boring, make use of your best friend- the book. Or else, just pick up a newspaper or magazine and scan it. You may find some thing interesting.

(d) Listen to Music: - The easiest thing to do, while in a queue or during the journey is to listen to and enjoy music on your pocket transistor, mobile phone or the ipod. Music should not only remove your boredom but would soothe and relax you and make you more energetic.

(e) Start talking to your neighbor: - There would be other persons around equally bored and are in look out for a refuge. If you are a journalistic type of person, why not initiate a small conversation on any current topic of interest. But you should be careful that the other man is willing and not feeling offended.

(f) Don’t take life seriously always: - Don’t take life seriously 24 hours a day. You should relax at times. To put it more precisely, in the present context, do not hesitate or resist or complain if you find yourself doing little things of life. They are part of life’s learning and reforming your self. If you have read the life of the great Mahatma Gandhi or seen the film on him (By Richard Attenborough) you would be knowing that, all an a sudden, in the midst of a high level discussions with other top leaders, he would leave and engage himself in unimportant things like putting soil plaster on the sprained leg of a goat! Learn to enjoy everything in life.

(g) Be a Conqueror: - You think that the external conditions are not qualitative enough or worth your attention and it pushes you to boredom. You wish to leave and utilize your time in something worth your level. You can do that here and now. Just leave the outer world and move unto the inner. Switch on the laptop of the super computer in your head. Start browsing. You will, with learning gradually, find an endless list of works and issues to dwell upon. It will take you into another world, may be, if you find a topic that is passionate to your head or heart. Then you may find going short of time while you continue to be in the same environment. Analyzing a problem for possible solutions, review your talking points for the speech or presentation, selecting a gift for the next anniversary or planning anything are some examples.

(h) Learn to be Creative: - Boredom strikes when the environment is dull and the mind is empty. Why not then learn to utilize the time to think creatively. Creative thinking is unique to human beings and is hidden within everyone. I don’t mean to say that you will invent something while waiting at dentist’s with pain in your teeth. If you think the environment is boring because it lacks the quality and that your time is wasted, I am opining that creative thinking should be the remedy for you. You may have something distinctive about you. It may be related to your profession, hobby, writing, or cooking. Even you may think and find out doing day to day little things (like arranging dishes on the dining table) in an extraordinary way. This will bring joy to you and others as well.

(i) People also meditate! I would not have included meditation in the present article but for a recent event. During the last week of October, I was to go to Hyderabad from Delhi by the 7.20 PM flight of the Indian Airlines. But due to disruption of schedules of other flights, this Hyderabad flight was also delayed. It took off finally about 11 PM. I already had the boarding pass and after wandering here and there, I reclined to a seat inside the security area. Another person was in the adjoining seat. I heard him murmuring. Initially, I felt he want to talk to me. On observation, I found him chanting some mantra silently but occasionally it is little louder and audible. I left the seat after 15-20 minutes when the person was still chanting. When, later, I landed in Hyderabad airport, I found the same person. I just initiated a conversation with him to find out what was he doing. He was glad and straightforward. He said, he never finds boredom when waiting. He would mentally recite whole strotas (Sanskrit prayers from Hindu scriptures) or chant a particular mantra. You know, he said, it is one type of meditation. As I said, initially, I wanted to opine that the man, who can learn to think creatively, is the man from Boredom to Wisdom. But now, I say, it is one who can do Queue meditation!

C h e e r s ! M e r r y C h r i s t m a s !

Monday, December 17, 2007

Workplace is Happy Hours!

Your Workplace: - You spend most of your active time in your workplace. Your workplace may be your shop, factory, business centre, a government or a private office, construction or operation site, laboratory, clinic, college or university. You may be working there as an employee, operator, supervisor, manager, executive, teacher, research scholar or the like. But in the context of your happiness in your workplace, the situation remains the same, more or less. Your workplace consists of office space with furniture, the documents and files, the books, the machines, and the equipments you use or handle.

2. What is Happiness: - If you are not enjoying your workplace, you carry your anger, frustration and irritations to home and it makes your life miserable. Happiness is a state of mind. It is an emotion or feeling. You may feel good now and bad the next moment depending upon any internal or external situations. But happiness in workplace should mean the totality of your happiness over the months and years. Considering happiness is largely comes from within, the question comes if one should complain about a irritating boss, leg pulling colleagues, non-cooperative employees and a poor environment or outdated machines and the day-to-day conflicts. As a person, you have some intrinsic values and level of intrinsic happiness which is inborn or acquired and which remains the same at home or at the workplace, and which may also influence your overall happiness in your work place.

3. Factors of unhappiness: - Let us now consider the major factors that cause unhappiness in the workplace.

(a) The Salary: - The primary reason for your joining the job may be for earning a livelihood. The pay packs depends upon your qualification, experience and the present position occupied by you. But the question is if your happiness gradient is the size of your pay pack? Studies say it is not. In fact, according to studies, people are becoming increasingly unhappy these days in spite of good salary. It is found money counts towards happiness to the extent of a getting a liveable salary. Beyond that, it may not. This means, if you are not able to meet your day-to-day basic needs from your salary, you are likely to be unhappy. But if you have a salary above or much above the liveable salary in your society, happiness is not related to the amount of your pay pack.
(b) The Boss: - I consider the second most factor responsible for your happiness or unhappiness is your boss. A bad boss, who is rude, over-demanding, disoriented, unfair or lacking in humane values, is likely to be the primary cause of unhappiness. Even personality conflict with your immediate boss leads you to recurring unhappiness. I could not find if any studies have been made in this regard. In many organisations, largely in government and big corporate houses, there is a system of evaluation of the employees. A senior is required to evaluate his juniors. But the evaluation relates to performance. I feel the evaluation process, should assess happiness or particularly in terms of behaviour of the seniors to his juniors. This is important, because, the productivity is also linked to the happiness of the employees. The corporate houses, worldwide, are becoming increasingly aware of it. This is why, in addition to training their officers in management, they are inviting reputed spiritual gurus (teachers) to teach techniques of meditation, stress management, relaxation and on the art of living courses in the office.
© Leisure and work schedule: - Traditionally, most offices work 9 to 5 during the day. But operational or other requirements have led to shift system of working when work continues day and night. 9-5 office is generally having one lunch break for ½ an hour. Further there is a system of casual leave and annual leave, which allows the employees to attend to his personal works, pursuits or go on recreational leave travel. Friendly schedule and flexibility, that allows the employee to attend to his family and personal matters are likely to increase happiness quotient.

(d) Future progression: - It is human nature to grow and progress in life and so do in one’s job or career. Hence, not only there should be long term laid down system of for progression, which of course, is accompanied by increase in salary, powers, responsibility etc, but also the evaluation method should be fair. If evaluation is unfair or bias, the employees are likely to be unhappy.

(e) Other causes: -The other causes that are not major but still cause unhappiness in workplace include uncomfortable environment, office conflicts, delays in handling personnel matters and unresponsive management.

4. Keeping happiness in the workplace should not only mean happiness for the workfolk, but also satisfaction and happiness for the managers, the suppliers and the customers. A happy workplace keeps the individual happy and healthy, increase the productivity, commitment to work, reduces the stress and tension of the management, contributes to happy family and ultimately to a happy, healthy and richer society at large. Happiness in the work place reduces absenteeism and sickness leave. A happy workplace makes the individual happy both at office and at home. The point, I am going to make is that keeping the workplace happy, all the beneficiaries, the individual, the employers and also the government should work. But it is not an easy job. Research is showing that in western countries, in spite of better pay packs, modern amenities in the workplace, free tea and lunch and bonuses, happiness level does not go much up.

5. You are to run the show! You are affected. You will have to do it all. You should realise that work is worship and the workplace is the temple of worship. It is responsible for providing you bread and butter. You are therefore also responsible for contributing to building a happy workplace. Following tips are likely to help in this direction.

(a) Learn to love your workplace: - To be happy and joyful, first and foremost, learn to love your workplace. At least find and take interest in some areas of your work and learn to derive satisfaction from that.

(b) Learn to perform your best: - Try to excel in your field of working. Keep abreast of things and do your part efficiently. This will give you satisfaction and may attract recognition and appreciation from your employers.

© Learn to understand your boss: - If you think your boss does not understand, learn to see things in his line of thinking, his situation, his constraints and discuss the issues as often as possible.

(d) Learn to live now: - Certain things in the workplace may not be favourable at the moment. But there is no guarantee that the conditions will change for the better. Or, may be, conditions are favourable at present. But, there is no guarantee that it will continue for long. Hence learn to see the positive side of things happening and be happy at the moment.

(e) Learn to be kind: - Secondly, think of others who are working with you. Be kind and fair to your colleagues and other visitors in the same way you wish others to behave with you.

(f) Strike a balance of things: - If you find the job too much against your life’s values and ethics, but you are not in a position to quit, learn to strike a balance. There may be something, which is good like the salary or the location of the workplace. Concentrate on that for your sticking to the job and still be happy for the overall requirement.

(g) Keep your family life happy: -You may belong to those executives who, in the pursuit of happiness, join the rat race for status, power or position and find at the end that it was all at the cost of the joys of your family life and peace of mind. If you are striving for happiness, you will have to bring about a balance. Money, status or comforts, the so-called life styles or position will not bring you happiness. But a happy family will do. Learn to give more time to family and do all to keep family happy.

(h) Look also for greener pasture: - Another tip to keep you happy is to learn to forget about the bad side of the workplace by making good use of your leisure time by using it in pursuing hobbies or social activities of your interest.

(i) Look for happy folk: - Mix with those who are of positive disposition and share each other’s problem. Avoid gossip. Take conflicts as a normal part of life and appreciate the constructive role it plays.

(j) Learn to celebrate: - Life is to celebrate. Celebration is inborn to human beings. Celebration makes us happy, healthy and cheerful. Celebration is as old as human culture. Every family, every culture, every community and even nations celebrate. The innate reason is to make ourselves happy and joyful. All organisations including government offices also celebrate on one occasion or the other. We have so many national holidays for the purpose. The organisations have welfare units. Such units should find more and more occasions to celebrate. Annual sports and cultural activities should also be encouraged. Even the families and the children of the employees should be called to participate in such programmes. It may not affect the work much. On the other hand, it would surely keep the folk happy and increase their efficiency.

(k) Learn to smile: -Learn to smile yourself and let others smile. Encourage people greeting one another when they arrive in the morning. If you are missing some of the people, why not make a round of the workplace to greet and share their joys and sorrows. At the end of the day, similarly, exchange cheerful good byes.

(l) Learn to enjoy within: - Above all, to keep you joyful, try not to depend upon external conditions. Do not wait for external conditions to change to make you happy. Real happiness comes from your inner mind. Learn to develop that inner serenity. When you cultivate happiness and enjoy the situations (good or bad) your brain start producing more of positive chemicals to strengthen your happiness. With consistent practice happiness will gradually replace your unhappiness. Of course, this requires constant contemplation and practice.

6. Role of Governments and organisations: - The Government of Bhutan conceived the concept of Gross National Happiness (GNH) (Bhutan 2020) and recognised that GNH is more important than GNP. The International Institute of Management (IIM) (
http://www.iim-edu.org/) brings out white papers addressing emerging challenges and opportunities. In its Policy White Paper, the “The American Pursuit of Unhappiness Gross National Happiness (GNH)—A New Economic Metric” by Med Yones, provides an analysis of mental and emotional health liabilities produced by the current American socio-economic system. While this paper is written for the United States government, the analysis and recommendations may be applicable to most countries. It says that mental and emotional well-being of citizens improves their performance and broadens the intellectual, physical and social resources of a nation. Researches have found that happy people have better health habits, lower blood pressure, stronger immune systems and higher endurance levels. They cause less stress on the national healthcare system. Citizens with better emotional and mental health are easier to relate to and work with, tend to better decision makers, are more creative, and outperform peers in problem-solving, innovation, persistence and productivity. It says that like most world governments, the US Government’s main concern is economic growth. They have metrics to monitor your money: they use metrics such as Gross National Products (GNP) and consumer confidence to monitor and track economic health. But do they use a metric to measure people’s own well-being? No. Being happy is a product of personal development and social evolution. After all, governments are made of people, and politicians themselves suffer from the system in the same way as others. Without discounting the value of the modern political, socio-economic and educational systems, the reality is that our current socio-economic system is not designed to contribute to our happiness and in fact sometimes works against our well-being. In its recommendations in regard to work, it says that government can institute new employment laws to promote life and work balance and to guarantee a healthy (mental and physical) work environment. Further a smart corporate policy will ensure the development of its management team to transform an alpha-dominating/intimidating leadership style into a coaching leadership style with better work and relationship ethics.

7. The above finding is a clear indication that the governments and the organisations should study the subject further with a view to bringing about necessary changes in the work culture. Happiness is becoming the buzzword of our times. In 1940s and 1950s, the governments were trying to build Welfare States. Today they should look for building Happiness States.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

The joy of giving and receiving!

Self-help books for success and happiness come regularly in the market. Some of these books are best sellers in the non-fiction category. The question is if such books do real help or these give you only reading pleasure. Most of these books use the same principles but are presented in different manners. Basically they aim at tapping the power of thought power. They provide the directions. They motivate you, inspire you and aim at changing your thinking from negative to positive. But ultimate goal depends upon your talent, ability and understanding. The seeds of positive thoughts gradually change your subconscious conditioning and they in turn, change your beliefs, expectations, attitudes and behaviour. When you change your behaviour, you change your performance and get better results. You also grow, learn and become wiser by reading books. And when you become wiser, you become happier. Books are one of the best friends and hobbies of human beings.

One such book, I have read, is the best seller the Seven Spiritual Laws of Success by Dr. Deepak Chopra. Out of the Seven Laws professed by Dr. Deepak Chopra, the 2nd Law is the Law of Giving. This is also called the Law of Giving and Receiving. It states that the universe operates through dynamic exchange. Nothing is static. On the question of relationship, it states that every relationship is one of give and take. Receiving is the same thing as giving because giving and receiving are different aspects of the flow of energy in the universe. But the intention behind your giving and receiving is most important. The intension should always be to create happiness for the giver and receiver; because happiness is life-supporting and life-sustaining. Therefore the act of giving has to be joyful. If you want joy, give joy to others, if you want love, learn to give love, if you want attention and appreciation, learn to give attention and appreciation. Giving need not have to be in the form of material things. It could be a flower, a compliment, a prayer, caring, attention, affection, appreciation and love. These are some of the most precious gifts you can give and it will give happiness to both the giver and the taker.
In practice of this law, you make a commitment that whoever you encounter; you bring him or her a gift. The gift may be a compliment, a flower, a prayer, the gift of caring, affection, appreciation, and love. Each time you meet someone, you silently wish him or her happiness, joy and laughter. Practice Dr. Deepak Chopra’s Law of Giving by circulating joy and it will keep you immensely joyful. Cheers!