Tuesday, November 6, 2007

How to deal with Fatigue

For a happy and joyful living, you should keep yourself physically fit. But sometime, physical fitness is not enough to keep you mentally fit and energetic. In spite of good health, you may feel tired and worn out. This may be due to poor mental conditions and it does not allow you to put your best output. There may be various reasons for such a state. To keep energetic, you have to take certain measures. First is that you exercise daily. But don’t overdo it. Yogic exercises including pranayam (yogic breathing exercises) are very good. But you will have to learn these from an authorised teacher. You should also ensure adequate sleep. Sleep rejuvenates both body and mind. You should also take proper balanced diet. Additionally, fruit and fruit juices are recommended. Also preserve your energy by not indulging in wasteful activities, worries, emotions and bad habits. Daily morning walk in fresh air is very helpful. Regular fasting for a day is also helpful.

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